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people facing food insecurity
0 million
people WFP aims to reach in 2022
0 million
WFP's funding needs in 2022
$ 0 billion
Meals Distributed Worldwide
0 million
What is food crisis?

45 Million People Across 43 Countries Are at Risk of Famine

A global food crisis brought on by the conflict in Ukraine brings new threats to children.

Skyrocketing wheat prices could put millions of children in the world’s most fragile contexts, such as Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria, at risk of illness or even death due to hunger. In places like South Sudan and the Sahel, the ongoing conflict has hindered access to food for years.

In Kenya, 3.5 million people are suffering extreme hunger. In Somalia, up to 1.5 million children could be facing severe acute malnutrition by October.

COVID-19 is adding to the impacts of conflict and climate change to push millions of children across the world to the verge of starvation. There’s no vaccine for hunger, but there is a solution if we act now.

We Can End Hunger Forever

Hunger is still one the biggest – and most solvable – problems in the world. We have already made incredible progress: there are 300 million fewer hungry people now than in the 90’s. WFP is working for that every second of the day, feeding over 95 million people in urgent need and implementing programmes that tackle the causes of hunger. But this work depends on the support of people like you.

51 Countries

We fight life-threatening hunger in 51 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.


Our life-saving programmes reached more than 26 million people around the world in 2021.


Last year, we responded to 55 emergencies in 21 countries.

What Is Causing the World Hunger Crisis?

That’s why we fight for the hope and happiness of young people when it’s threatened by abuse, exploitation and neglect. We see the hope and courage in young people every day, and it inspires us to support them through their most serious life challenges.

Now we’re stepping up the fight for hope and happiness at a time when it’s under threat like never before. Our goal and vision are built around the hopes of young people, to achieve long-lasting change for this generation and the ones to come.

Thanks to you, we’ve raised $6,309 across all our congregations combined! Let’s keep it up!

What is food crisis?

Start your monthly donation to help with life-saving food to families in need

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Donation Total: $100.00

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